buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title FastFeast - Quick Food Delivery style.css header class hero nav div FastFeast class logo div class nav-links a Restaurants href #restaurants a How It Works href #how-it-works a Cart href #cart id cartButton button Order Now class cta-button main section class search-section div class search-container input type text placeholder Search for restaurants or cuisines... id searchInput button Search class search-button section id restaurants class restaurant-grid h2 Popular Restaurants div class restaurant-cards article class restaurant-card img src images/restaurant1.jpg alt Italian Restaurant h3 Bella Italia p Italian • 4.8 ★ • 20-30 min button Order Now article class restaurant-card img src images/restaurant2.jpg alt Sushi Bar h3 Sushi Master p Japanese • 4.9 ★ • 25-35 min button Order Now article class restaurant-card img src images/restaurant3.jpg alt Burger Joint h3 Burger Bros p American • 4.7 ★ • 15-25 min button Order Now section id how-it-works class process-section h2 How It Works div class process-steps div class step div 🔍 h3 Search p Find your favorite restaurants div class step div 📋 h3 Choose p Select your perfect meal div class step div 💳 h3 Pay p Quick and secure checkout div class step div 🚚 h3 Deliver p Track your order in real-time footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a About Us href #about a Partner With Us href #partner a Support href #support div class social-links a Twitter href # a Facebook href # a Instagram href # script.js